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JOKE SMIT AWARD, design winner 2019 

Both my grandmothers got married and never earned money. As a child, my father had his mother around to take care of the household and his father managed the finances. For myfather, a good education for me was “to become a woman” with the image of his own mother in mind. Through my growing understanding of feminism, I became aware of the role I had as a female child which enabled me to step out it.

I see porcelain mainly used for domestic purposes and by association is connected to the role of women historically.

It is at the same time a strong and fragile material that symbolises women’s emancipation.This design is my way to embody the fragile tension between the assigned behaviors resulting from heredity patterns and the strength of will to shape our own future.


This tension needs to be shown and acknowledged in the award in order to thank the activists for encouraging women to break out of the expected role and make women’s fragile freedom a strength today.

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